Elder products

آدامس‌های فانکشنال

Elder no smoking chewing gum

According to Elder mag, smoking cigarettes for either a short or long time affects your mental and physical well-being. For instance, smoking cigarettes causes circulatory

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vitamin C gum

Elder vitamin C gum is full of this valuable vitamin and can fulfill your everyday needs of vitamin C. Despite the necessity of this vitamin,

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eucalyptus cold candy

eucalyptus cold candy

Elder eucalyptus cold candies are full of vitamin C, probiotic and menthol which can protect you against getting colds and its side effects like sore

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آدامس‌های فانکشنال

saffron gum

Elder Saffron gum is one of Elder functional gums. In fact, the reason of calling them functional gums is that they can help cure some

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آدامس‌های فانکشنال

anti-acid and gastric reflux gum

Elder anti-acid and gastric reflux includes calcium and licorice extract and relieves acid indigestion. This gum neutralizes the acid returned to the esophagus from the

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آدامس‌های فانکشنال

sour tea gum

Elder sour tea gum is one of Elder functional gums. In fact, the reason of calling them functional gums is that they can help cure

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